
Thursday 15 August 2013



Woah, flashy rainbow, not exactly what I was looking for, but alright.

Hello my dear Rainbow Sailor!

This is my first blog post, well, not really. I've had a blog before, but I sort of abandoned it, so I'm starting over with a new, fresh blog. It is not nearly as cute as I want it to be, but what would be a quest without anything to look for on our journey? Pretty boring, non?

At the moment I'm eating red berries,grapes, banana slices and raspberries
They're so delicious, ohmykami~ (I tend to say that a lot, ehe. It's just oh my god,
but with the Japanese word for god: kami )

I'm studying Japanese by the way. Not at school, I'm trying to learn something myself, since the only languages that are taught in our school are English, Dutch, French, German and Spanish.
At school, I study Dutch, English and French, and I studied German for two years.
Other subjects are Physics, Chemistry, Math, PE and art class. I love to draw image

All these cute desserts...
I want to eat all of them so badly! But I can't, and not just because they're cute pixel images. It's mostly because I'm not allowed to eat any sweets for the next 100 days. I'm doing the 100 days clean eating challenge, I got inspired by VenusAngelic, she made the challenge (link to her original blogpost: I think it is a great idea to do such a challenge, and I started exactly three weeks ago, but for this blog, I will start over.
I'll try to post everyday what I ate, with pictures, but this will not always be possible: In two weeks, school starts, and on other busy days I might be inable to take pictures. But I'll try my best!

Bye for now,
my little Rainbow Sailors!

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