
Wednesday 26 March 2014

First post of 2014

Hello my dear Rainbow Sailors!
It's been ages since I last made a blogpost, I am so sorry!
I am just so busy with school, homework, art class and life in general.
I have been away for several weeks as well, so that didn't make it any easier to keep my blog alive.
I went on a trip to the Caribbean! It was several weeks, so I missed school for a while, although I did do some studying. It was a lot of fun, even without internet, family and friends. I met new friends and learned a lot about the culture, sailing, science and volcanoes. 

The 100 days Clean Eating Challange obviously ended a long time ago. I'm sorry there isn't a diary post for every day, but I didn't have the time to write a blog post every day. However, I did finish the challenge and made pictures of almost every meal, although I stopped taking pictures of my breakfast and lunch on the normal days, as it simply was yoghurt with cereals and bread for lunch. Taking pictures of every meal I ate annoyed people and it took so much time... So I'm glad that's over now.

But Mirai, what do you eat now?!
I kinda fell back to my old habits of snacking cookies and chocolate, especially on the trip I mentioned. 
During that trip, I ate tons of cookies. They're similar to Oreos. The cookies are called Tea Time and really yummy. Tea Time cookies come in various flavours, which is nice if you don't like chocolate or like chocolate a lot! (The flavours available in the Caribbean are vanilla, chocolate, double chocolate, chocolate strawberry and vanilla strawberry. Maybe they got more flavours, but these are the one I've seen in the supermarkets.) 
Back on topic. When I came back home I stopped eating a zillion cookies a day. I returned to my old lifestle, although since the Clean Eating Challenge,some things changed. I eat more fruit and drink water instead of chocolate milk or lemonade and I only have soda drinks at very special occasions. When my body craves for a snack, I eat dark chocolate, nuts or yoghurt rather than eating sweets and cookies, although I do eat candy once in a while, just a lot less. image
But when I'm having candy or pastries, it feels like this:

~ Sweet mother of candy ~
And if feels good.

Yesterday, I went home, I felt sick and today, I'm staying at home 
I was looking around on tumblr for a while but even that didn't cheer me up. So I tried watching Kokoro Connect, but I lost interest after a while, which is odd because I loooove Kokoro Connect! 

The weather here is lovely, little rain, lots of sun and a nice temperature. 
And it's spring! The Dutch winter wasn't too cold, so a lot of flowers are already blooming. 
The sakura is blooming as well. 
Sorry miss Haruno, I meant the cherry blossoms, hehe.. He... 
That wasn't even close to funny, please forgive me

The 400 sakura trees in the Amsterdamse Bos (the forest of Amsterdam) are looking lovely, it seems.The picture below was taken the 18th of March. I might go to the forest this weekend, if I there isn't to much homework to do. I hope the blossoms will be just as beautiful as the years before, they looked amazing!

Het Bloesempark in het Amsterdamse Bos, foto: 18 maart 2014
The picture isn't mine, it's from the site of the Amsterdamse Bos


That's it for today, I'm going back to bed.
Byebye, my cutiepatootie Rainbow Sailors!